
TREE(HOUSE) will be held on Saturday, August 9th, 2025 (rain or shine), open to friends and invited guests of the organizers.

See Venue section for location.

Parking and venue will open at 3 PM.

Music will start at 5 PM with DJ lineup across two stages.

The venue is located on a natural estate with pine forest, ponds, fields, and lake. The epicenter of the venue is a two-story treehouse.

The surrounding trees have giant multi-level adult hammocks and artistic up-lighting.

The mainstage is located directly underneath the treehouse, one-half (1/2) mile from the parking area on a forest path. Please be prepared to carry your gear or bring a wagon.

This is an outdoor forest venue. Be prepared for rain or shine, insects, and the joys of being outside with good friends and good music.