Service Animals


A ‘service animal’ is defined as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the handler’s disability.”

Emotional support or comfort animals are not considered service animals under the ADA and therefore are not allowed at Tree(HOUSE)5.0

Please note that all service dogs, including those from out of state are subject to local dog ordinances, which includes a valid rabies certificate.


For patrons with disabilities who wish to bring their legitimate service animal to Tree(HOUSE)5.0, we ask that you review and follow the policies outlined below:

  • Please contact management staff at prior to event.

  • Service animals must be accompanied by the handler with the disability at all times.

  • Service animals must be under the control and supervision of their handler at all times.

  • Service animals are not permitted to be left unattended under any circumstances.

  • Handlers are required to be prepared for, and clean-up after, their animals at all times.

  • We reserve the right to remove and/or refuse access to any service animal from the campgrounds or venue if that animal is deemed to be a health or safety threat to festival patrons, staff, or other service animals, or in violation of these policies.

  • All service animals must be credentialed by the Tree(HOUSE)5.0 staff (see the procedures below).


All patrons with disabilities attending Tree(HOUSE)5.0 this year with a service animal will need to have that animal credentialed by Tree(HOUSE)5.0 staff before entering the main gate. This process will be performed quickly and respectfully by our staff.

Upon arrival at Tree(HOUSE)5.0 please contact a member of the Staff. Staff will speak with you, record your contact information, and provide a collar tag for your service animal. Security/Staff will be on the lookout for all animals to have a properly credentialed Tree(HOUSE)5.0 collar tag.